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Open Access Webinars

Inspiring Scientific Curiosity and Discovery Series

Webinar series brought to you by the AAA family of Journals

Get Your Game On! Developing Game-based Learning for Student Engagement

May 16, 2024

With an understanding of the concepts of game-based learning (GBL) from the first webinar, the next question is how one can design, develop, and deploy a game approach in their own teaching practice? This will be explored in the second of a three-part AAA webinar, where will introduce the various techniques in designing and developing a game. All participants, from novices to experts, are welcome as they will have opportunities to generate game ideas and discuss them with their academic peers.

Game On! Exploring Game-based Learning in Anatomy Education

April 30, 2024

Game-based learning (GBL) is an emergent area of inquiry in medical education and anatomy education alike with evidence of positive impact on students' learning experiences. In this first of a three-part webinar series on GBL, we will establish a common language for the field, discuss several theories that inform GBL, and address some of the strengths and challenges. Learning is not 'easy', but why not make it fun?

Student Seminars: Applying to Graduate Programs in Anatomy

September 22, 2022

Understanding the process, tips, and suggestions where they will discuss the process and tips for applying to graduate school from the prospective of a current graduate student and a junior faculty member.

Engaging College Students in Human Anatomy Education

March 15, 2022

This Webinar is designed both for American Association for Anatomy members and collegiate teachers nationwide involved in the study of human anatomy (although the Webinar is certainly open to the public and for any teacher involved in anatomy education). It will focus primarily on teaching approaches and resources designed to effectively engage students in the study of human anatomy.

The Power of Suggestion: How to Get and Gain Influence

October 14, 2021

Too much information is just noise - until a suggestion by a friend, a post or a viral campaign makes an impact. The trouble is most academics, scientists and researchers have no way to measure why a suggestion works or doesn't work and they often keep throwing content out to see what sticks.

Do you know what suggestions have worked for you or your research? How can you measure the ROI of what worked and what didn't? This webinar will use real-world examples of brands and people that do more than just communicate - they suggest action and get it. This not only drives attention, but it enables research, funding and notoriety.

Adele Cehrs, CEO of the When and How Agency, will explain when the power of suggestion is most likely to work for individuals and how to use it to your advantage through traditional media and social media channels. Using proven psychological methods to influence, we will explore methods from sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists on how to get more of what you want in your scientific pursuits.

The Life and Academic Legacy of Dr. W. Montague Cobb: Anatomy, Art, and Advocacy

October 12, 2021

Dr. Cobb was the first Black man to earn a PhD in physical anthropology and became the first Distinguished Professor of Anatomy at Howard University in 1969. Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Cobb inspired many through his work, advocacy, and mentorship. In this panel discussion, we will present the ripple effect of Dr. Cobb's legacy in the fields of anthropology, anatomy, and medical illustration through those directly impacted by it. We will also hear from members of his family who will provide invaluable insight into Dr. Cobb as a man and a civil rights advocate. Attendees are welcome to ask questions and learn more about the man for whom the American Association for Anatomy's W.M. Cobb Award in Morphological Sciences was named.

This event has been developed by Black in Anatomy and is supported by the American Association for Anatomy.

Student Seminars: How to Make Your Mark on the Association

September 9, 2021

Speakers discuss how they became involved in the committee and how it has benefited them. They present the process for applying for a committee position and the committees that have spots specifically for students.

Roundtable Discussion of Specific Ethical Case Studies

August 12, 2021

In this session, speakers from the first two "Anatomical Legacy Collections" sessions returned to answer questions and discuss topics with attendees. Several case studies were also presented for discussion along with interactive poll questions. To allow participants to speak candidly, this event was not recorded, however you can access a detailed writeup of the discussion, slides, and case studies from the event.

Anatomical Legacy Collections: Ethical Concerns about Disposition of Collections with Unknown Origins

July 29, 2021
Speakers: Sabine Hildebrandt, Boston Children's Hospital; Jason "Jay" Mussell, LSUHSC School of Medicine; Andreas Winkelmann, Institute of Anatomy Medical School Brandenburg

Presenters will describe a spectrum of options for storage, use and disposition of legacy anatomical collections from continued ethical use to repatriation to mass burial. Perspectives will include museum and teaching collections. An emphasis will be placed on the ethical use, storage and disposition of unprovenanced remains.

Anatomical Legacy Collections: Ethical Concerns about the Origins of Legacy Anatomical Collections

July 15, 2021
Speakers: Carlina da la Cova, University of South Carolina; Beverley Kramer, University of the Witwatersrand; Dominic Hall, Warren Anatomical Museum

Presenters will describe the issue of legacy collections and the need to inventory and report on human remains in their care (ethical stewardship, duty of care). Perspectives will include anatomical museum and teaching collections, known and unprovenanced remains, effects of colonialism, slavery, and marginalized populations. An emphasis will be placed on inventory and understanding the source of remains.

Innovative Anatomy Teaching Now and in the Future

June 2021
Speaker: Charlotte Steel, ADInstruments

The last year has been a disruptive time for education, especially so for the study of anatomy, which has such a "hands on" nature. In this live webinar Charlotte will review recent research from the field of anatomy teaching, and introduce you to some of the insights provided by the 2021 EDUCAUSE Highlight Report.

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